At Tri Sense we develop innovative solutions with the help of artificial intelligence. We work in areas of production, automotive industry, traffic, telecommunications, banking, and insurance.
We strive to solve your problems with data that is already available. Otherwise, we seek the needed data and apply necessary sensors. First, we calculate the return on investment and outline the project, and only then implement the solution.
We develop solutions in cooperation with top experts in the field. Every project is different and therefore we build a team according to the challenge and the necessary skills. We develop and implement customized solutions.

We generate information and automate
We generate new information from large amounts of data (for example, product lifetime, failure prediction, automatic setting of machine parameters, when overheating will occur etc.).

From seemingly useless data we find useful key data (probability of failure, looking for extremes, finding products that don't fulfill the standards).
With different sensors we measure and recognize events and objects, that are key cornerstones of optimization and automatization models. We recognize shapes, sizes, colors, persons and objects with the help of visual materials and other senzors. Based on this we implement autonomous decisions.

AI solutions are key for remaining the leader in your field. The world is changing faster than ever.
Let's innovate together.